Since 1996, we have been supporting Beaman Park through volunteer work, fundraisers, grants, & more.
About Friends of Beaman Park
The Friends of Beaman Park is an all-volunteer organization. Our work is primarily accomplished through volunteer management, fundraising and grant writing. Since 1996, FOBP has initiated park support activities in a variety of areas that fall into four main categories: Education, Advocacy, Park Facilities and Land Protection.
Restoration of the Proctor Barn and Farm
Guided park hikes
Yoga classes
Trail building
Hosting seasonal campfires and picnics
Plant and animal species data collection
Native plant workshops
GIS mapping of park features
Magazine articles and brochures
Land protection workshops
Sponsorship of wildflower week special events
Road-side litter and creek cleanup volunteer work days
Illegal dump cleanup
Fundraising and grant writing
Sponsoring staff continuing education
Hosting corporate service projects
2000 Frist Foundation Award for Excellence
2007 Governor’s Environmental Stewardship Award for Invasive Plant Management
2013 Coalition for Recreational Trails Award for Accessibility Enhancement